来源:InterNet 加入时间:2007-1-26 |
摘要: 这是一篇介绍如何使用CheckMem.pas单元检查delphi应用程序内存泄漏的文章
program Project1;
uses CheckMem in 'CheckMem.pas', Forms, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1} ;//其他单元文件 {$R *.RES}
begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end.
===== Project1.exe,2004-6-11 15:36:55 =====
可用地址空间 : 1024 KB(1048576 Byte) 未提交部分 : 1008 KB(1032192 Byte) 已提交部分 : 16 KB(16384 Byte) 空闲部分 : 13 KB(14020 Byte) 已分配部分 : 1 KB(2024 Byte) 全部小空闲内存块 : 0 KB(232 Byte) 全部大空闲内存块 : 11 KB(11864 Byte) 其它未用内存块 : 1 KB(1924 Byte) 内存管理器消耗 : 0 KB(340 Byte) 地址空间载入 : 0%
当前出现 3 处内存漏洞 : 0) 0000000000F33798 - 19($0013)字节 - 不是对象 1) 0000000000F337A8 - 18($0012)字节 - 不是对象 2) 0000000000F337B8 - 18($0012)字节 - 不是对象
当前出现 3 处内存漏洞 :(有三个内存块分配了,但未释放。注意这里不是指对象变量或指针变量的地址,是对象的内存区域或指针指向的内存地址)
序号 未释放内存的地址 内存大小 是否是对象?如果是列出对象的Name及class并指出对象实现的单元文件名
0) 0000000000F33798 - 19($0013)字节 - 不是对象
unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } aa:TstringList; bb:tbutton; end;
var Form1: TForm1; def:pointer; implementation
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
begin aa:=TstringList.Create; bb:=Tbutton.Create(nil); aa.Add('abcdefdafasdfasdfasdfasdf'); application.MessageBox(pchar(aa.Strings[0]),'asdf',MB_OK); // aa.Free; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var p:Pointer; begin GetMem(def,10); p:=def; fillchar(p,10,$65); application.MessageBox (def,'aaa',MB_OK); // freemem(def,10); end;
当前出现 10 处内存漏洞 : 0) 0000000000F3109C - 67($0043)字节 - 不是对象 1) 0000000000F316A4 - 39($0027)字节 - 不是对象 2) 0000000000F33798 - 55($0037)字节 - (未命名): TStringList (48 字节) - In Classes.pas 3) 0000000000F337CC - 518($0206)字节 - : TButton (512 字节) - In StdCtrls.pas 4) 0000000000F339D0 - 42($002A)字节 - MS Sans Serif : TFont (36 字节) - In Graphics.pas 5) 0000000000F339F8 - 38($0026)字节 - (未命名): TSizeConstraints (32 字节) - In Controls.pas 6) 0000000000F33A1C - 30($001E)字节 - (未命名): TBrush (24 字节) - In Graphics.pas 7) 0000000000F33A38 - 38($0026)字节 - 不是对象 8) 0000000000F33A5C - 38($0026)字节 - 不是对象 9) 0000000000F33A80 - 42($002A)字节 - 不是对象
当前出现 3 处内存漏洞 : 0) 0000000000F33798 - 55($0037)字节 - (未命名): TStringList (48 字节) - In Classes.pas 1) 0000000000F337CC - 38($0026)字节 - 不是对象 2) 0000000000F337F0 - 42($002A)字节 - 不是对象
OK,我们再来测试button2(注意,这次我们不点击button1,只点击button2 一次),产生的报告如下:
当前出现 1 处内存漏洞 : 0) 0000000000F33798 - 19($0013)字节 - 不是对象
再来一次,这次点击button2 三次:
当前出现 3 处内存漏洞 : 0) 0000000000F33798 - 19($0013)字节 - 不是对象 1) 0000000000F337A8 - 18($0012)字节 - 不是对象 2) 0000000000F337B8 - 18($0012)字节 - 不是对象
The following are a couple of tips that can be usefull when fixing leaks in an application :
* First just launch the app and then close it. If even this action generates leaks, fix those leaks first. Only after the main leaks are fixed, you should go into specific functionality areas of the application.
* In your Delphi/C++Builder project options, remove as much forms as possible from the Auto-Create option. Create your forms dynamically.
* 注意在循环中创建或分配的内存的代码。如果它们未释放,可能引起大量的内存泄漏。
* Go for the biggest classes first - if you see a TMyFom <class> leaking, try to fix this one first instead of going after a tiny TFont class. Since a Form will usually contain a lot of other classes, with one shot you will have fixed a lot of contained leaks.
*先修复大的类,比如你看到TMyFom 类有泄漏,先解决它的问题,然后再解决像TFont 这样的小类。一个form类经常包含多个子类。修复一个form的未释放问题,你将解决大量该form包含的子对象未释的问题。
* Go for the easy fixes first. Some leaks fixes are very easy and obvious - if you fix the easy ones first, you will keep them out of your way.
unit CheckMem; file://Add it to the first line of project uses
procedure SnapCurrMemStatToFile(Filename: string);
uses Windows, SysUtils, TypInfo;
const MaxCount = High(Word);
var OldMemMgr: TMemoryManager; ObjList: array[0..MaxCount] of Pointer; FreeInList: Integer = 0; GetMemCount: Integer = 0; FreeMemCount: Integer = 0; ReallocMemCount: Integer = 0;
procedure AddToList(P: Pointer); begin if FreeInList > High(ObjList) then begin MessageBox(0, '内存管理监视器指针列表溢出,请增大列表项数!', '内存管理监视器', mb_ok); Exit; end; ObjList[FreeInList] := P; Inc(FreeInList); end;
procedure RemoveFromList(P: Pointer); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FreeInList - 1 do if ObjList[I] = P then begin Dec(FreeInList); Move(ObjList[I + 1], ObjList[I], (FreeInList - I) * SizeOf(Pointer)); Exit; end; end;
procedure SnapCurrMemStatToFile(Filename: string); const FIELD_WIDTH = 20; var OutFile: TextFile; I, CurrFree, BlockSize: Integer; HeapStatus: THeapStatus; Item: TObject; ptd: PTypeData; ppi: PPropInfo;
procedure Output(Text: string; Value: integer); begin Writeln(OutFile, Text: FIELD_WIDTH, Value div 1024, ' KB(', Value, ' Byte)'); end;
begin AssignFile(OutFile, Filename); try if FileExists(Filename) then begin Append(OutFile); Writeln(OutFile); end else Rewrite(OutFile); CurrFree := FreeInList; HeapStatus := GetHeapStatus; { 局部堆状态 } with HeapStatus do begin Writeln(OutFile, '===== ', ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)), ',', DateTimeToStr(Now), ' ====='); Writeln(OutFile); Output('可用地址空间 : ', TotalAddrSpace); Output('未提交部分 : ', TotalUncommitted); Output('已提交部分 : ', TotalCommitted); Output('空闲部分 : ', TotalFree); Output('已分配部分 : ', TotalAllocated); Output('全部小空闲内存块 : ', FreeSmall); Output('全部大空闲内存块 : ', FreeBig); Output('其它未用内存块 : ', Unused); Output('内存管理器消耗 : ', Overhead); Writeln(OutFile, '地址空间载入 : ': FIELD_WIDTH, TotalAllocated div (TotalAddrSpace div 100), '%'); end; Writeln(OutFile); Writeln(OutFile, Format('当前出现 %d 处内存漏洞 :', [GetMemCount - FreeMemCount])); for I := 0 to CurrFree - 1 do begin Write(OutFile, I: 4, ') ', IntToHex(Cardinal(ObjList[I]), 16), ' - '); BlockSize := PDWORD(DWORD(ObjList[I]) - 4)^; Write(OutFile, BlockSize: 4, '($' + IntToHex(BlockSize, 4) + ')字节', ' - '); try Item := TObject(ObjList[I]); if PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo).Kind <> tkClass then { type info technique } write(OutFile, '不是对象') else begin ptd := GetTypeData(PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo)); ppi := GetPropInfo(PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo), 'Name'); { 如果是TComponent } if ppi <> nil then begin write(OutFile, GetStrProp(Item, ppi)); write(OutFile, ' : '); end else write(OutFile, '(未命名): '); Write(OutFile, Item.ClassName, ' (', ptd.ClassType.InstanceSize, ' 字节) - In ', ptd.UnitName, '.pas'); end except on Exception do write(OutFile, '不是对象'); end; writeln(OutFile); end; finally CloseFile(OutFile); end; end;
function NewGetMem(Size: Integer): Pointer; begin Inc(GetMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.GetMem(Size); AddToList(Result); end;
function NewFreeMem(P: Pointer): Integer; begin Inc(FreeMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.FreeMem(P); RemoveFromList(P); end;
function NewReallocMem(P: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; begin Inc(ReallocMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.ReallocMem(P, Size); RemoveFromList(P); AddToList(Result); end;
const NewMemMgr: TMemoryManager = ( GetMem: NewGetMem; FreeMem: NewFreeMem; ReallocMem: NewReallocMem);
initialization GetMemoryManager(OldMemMgr); SetMemoryManager(NewMemMgr);
finalization SetMemoryManager(OldMemMgr); if (GetMemCount - FreeMemCount) <> 0 then SnapCurrMemStatToFile(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0)) + '\CheckMemory.Log'); end.
[文章录入员:nancy] |