Subject: test 70-064
1.You are performing a network install of Win95. How can you reduce network traffic after the installation?
a. Share installation b. Local installation
2. There was a question about modemlog.txt. It went something along the lines of You want to trap all AT commands sent to your modem. What do you do? (Answer was Turn modem log on or something)
3. A question on Novell. You have a client on Novell, proper protocols and services, etc. You cann see Novell servers but cannot map a drive to them. Why?
a. ensure the correct frame type is selected
b. install tcpip c. etc
4. Win31, NT, 95, DOS on LAN. You need them all to access shared folders. What 2 folder
names can be seen by all clients. (The only 2 that don't use LFN)
5. There was a question on which apps do not need 3rd party emulation. Mac, Unix, 16 bit Windows, MS-DOS apps that use EMS, MS-DOS apps that use XMS, or MS-DOS apps that make direct calls to hardware. pick 3
6. A user is complaining of performance problems. You run System Monitor and there's lots of page faults, etc. etc. etc. What can be done to help the user's performance??(Add more RAM) Go to the resource kit for the answer. There is a good explanation.
7. 2 machines are connected to network, clienta and clientb. They have identical hardware/software. One complains that machine is running slower than the other. What can you check for with system monitor?
8. Setup crashed during hardware detection. You power off and on. What can you do? The only answer that made sense was Restart setup and use safe recovery. All the other ones were either delete detlog.txt or move detlog.txt, etc.
9. Had an exhibit where they showed a routed network with some IP Addresse filled in, including the router's IP address. They then ask for an answer on the Default gateway and IP address of a client.
10) Know that when a box in System Policy Editor is checked or unchecked, that policy applies (to either the user or goup.) When it is grey it does not apply, therefore, for a specific user, some policies can be set by the group. User policies.
11. *SAP Advertising, which is used by Novell NetWare 2.15 and above, 3.x, and 4.x servers to
advertise their presence on the network. You must enable this option if you want the shared
resources to be available to computers running NETX or VLM.If you select SAP Advertising,
12. A scenario question went something like this.
You have a network with an NT PDC server A Netware server and you want to add new 95 clients. The organization has three departments. Sales, Accounting and Exec. You need to have clients share their files and you want to be able to access the Netware serv
You have x NT servers & x Novell 3.12 servers & all WIN95 clients (all three questions started out this way). You want to blah blah blah. The desired results are......(don't worry about it cause they're repeated again in the check boxes). The proposed is
What configuration allows browsing the sales groups on the network. Anyway what these three question boiled down to was KNOW WHAT YOU NEED FOR USER PROFILES/BROWSING NETWORK GROUPS and DOMAINS/WHAT IS NEEDED TO SEE FILES ON MICROSOFT SERVER or NOVELL SERV
13. One question about the 34 threads ( System Performance) was on my test. I spent all last night looking this one up and the best I could come up with was that Tony was right.
Things to give a 2nd look: printers(all aspects), backup, drive compression, policies and profiles, network connectivity(Novell and NT) this was the bulk of the test.
14. Know how to limit access to a directory to a couple of people so they only have read access while everyone else in the same group has full access.
15. Know how to install WIN95 on a machine that has NT dual booting with OS2
16. If you are a pc on one subnet and want to connect to a pc on another subnet.- there will be an exhibit with a router and its ip addresses- what ip address do you use for a gateway.
Ann and Bob are in the Acct group and you want to give them read only rights but the rest of the Acct group full rights? How do you do it.
17) That you uncheck the "wait for dial tone before dialing" box in the connection tab of the properties window for a modem if your in a country with no audible dial tone.
18. Win31, NT, 95, DOS on LAN. You need them all to access shared folders. What 2 folder
names can be seen by all clients. (The only 2 that don't use LFN)
19. Setup crashed during hardware detection. You power off and on. What can you do? The only answer that made sense was Restart setup and use safe recovery. All the other ones were either delete detlog.txt or move detlog.txt, etc.
20. If you cannot print from DOS app, but you can print from windows app, what can you do next?
Reinstall the printer drivers
*Capture the printer port
Turn on EMF spooling
Install DOS printer drivers
21.You are performing a network install of Win95, how can you reduce network traffic after the
*Tell netsetup it is a shared install
Tell netsetup it is a local install
Edit msbatch.inf to include netowrk downtimes
Edit msbatch.inf to include the number of installs to perform
WHAT NOT to study: 95 Architecture - Memory config stuff. DOS - pre-emptive v.s. cooperative stuff. Process's or Threads. MS-Mail MS-Exchange .