你现在使用的是PC133的内存条吗?你用他来超铜矿的时候遇到问题了吗?你能保证你的内存条是真正的PC133吗?这些问题我们都将通过今天的文章来解决.我们下面就来看看怎么解读你的 内存上的代码.
那么,你怎么来解读内存上的代码?第一步,应该是到生产商的网站上找相关的芯片信息.例如我们今天使用的现代内存,这家现代公司是一家韩国的综合性企业.不过他们在对内存产品的介绍方面相当的全面和细心.所有的内存颗粒都有相关的PDF文件来说明.我们今天要看的颗粒的代码是:HY57V651620B TC-75,下面我们就来看看他的含义:
A) B) C) D )E) F) G) H) I) J) K)
HY 57 V 65 16 2 0 B / TC 75
A) 公司代号 HY 现代公司
B) 产品类别 57 SDRAM
C) Processor & P/S V CMOS, 3.3V
D) 密度 & 刷新 65 64M bits, 4k Ref
E) 带宽 16 x16
F) Bank 2 4 Banks
G) 界面 0 LVTTL
H) 第几代的DIE B 第三代
I) 电源消耗 / 普通消耗
j) 封装 TC 400mil TSOP-II
k) 速度 75 7.5 ns (133MHz)
现在这些隐含的意思都弄清楚了吧.看起来我们的这条HY57V651620B TC-75还相当不错.第三代的DIE和7.5ns是令人期待的比较好的数值.不过条子具体的好坏还是要通过使用来知道的.
下面的这些文字是现代网站对这个HY57V651620B TC-75颗粒的说明,还包括了特性:
The Hyundai HY57V651620B is a 67,108,864-bit CMOS Synchronous DRAM, ideally suited for the main memory applications which require large memory density and high bandwidth. HY57V651620B is organized as 4banks of 1,048,576x16. HY57V651620B is offering fully synchronous operation referenced to a positive edge of the clock. All inputs and outputs are synchronized with the rising edge of the clock input. The data paths are internally pipelined to achieve very high bandwidth. All input and output voltage levels are compatible with LVTTL. Programmable options include the length of pipeline (Read latency of 2 or 3), the number of consecutive read or write cycles initiated by a single control command (Burst length of 1,2,4,8 or Full page), and the burst count sequence(sequential or interleave). A burst of read or write cycles in progress can be terminated by a burst terminate command or can be interrupted and replaced by a new burst read or write command on any cycle. (This pipelined design is not restricted by a `2N` rule.) FEATURES
Single 3.3?.3V power supply
All device pins are compatible with LVTTL interface
JEDEC standard 400mil 54pin TSOP-II with 0.8mm of pin pitch
All inputs and outputs referenced to positive edge of system clock
Data mask function by UDQM or LDQM
Internal four banks operation
Auto refresh and self refresh
4096 refresh cycles / 64ms
Programmable Burst Length and Burst Type
-1, 2, 4, 8 or Full page for Sequential Burst -
1, 2, 4 or 8 for Interleave Burst Programmable CAS Latency ; 2, 3 Clocks